Erinperrey Headshot



  • Yoga

Erin first found her love for yoga eight years ago when her sister was undertaking her teacher training and would run classes in their living room together. From there she established a solid self-practice that supports all aspects of her life, mainly noticing the benefits in her acting and performing. It was from there she decided she wanted to deepen her knowledge and share this beautiful practice with others, Erin attained her qualification from Byron Yoga Centre. Erin guides her students through various asanas in an informative, calm, approachable and balanced way. Her classes are alignment focused, while also encouraging students to find freedom in the movement. She invites students to find a connection to their inner self not only through asana but also pranayama and meditation. She has a keen interest in philosophy and offers students to have an open mind and heart to all of the elements of yoga. She aims to bring yoga to everyone and encourages her students to take the practice off the mat and into their daily lives.